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As one of the highest callings in Jewish tradition, pursuing justice is fundamental to what it means to live as a person of faith. We bear the great responsibility to work for immigration justice, economic justice, racial justice and social justice so that all people can live freely, with dignity. 

The repetition of the word, "justice" in Deuteronomy 16:20 teaches that even as we pursue justice, we must do so justly. As such, a person of faith must hold our justice system accountable and demand that justice be delivered justly. 

"Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may thrive and occupy the land that the LORD your God is giving you."

-Deuteronomy 16:20

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Gratefully borrowed from South Florida Activism

Environmental Justice - We believe in peer-reviewed, fact-based science. Climate change is only one of many real threats to humanity, and possibly one of the greatest. We will defend the air, land, water, flora, and fauna which are necessary to sustaining life as we know it.

Criminal Justice & Gun Control - We demand modern, renewed gun control measures and a system of justice which is transformative and restorative, and based on non-violence, prevention, healing and social justice.


"Everyone who can protest the sin of his household and does not, is responsible for the people of his household. For the people of his city, he is responsible for the people of his city. For the whole world, he is responsible for the whole world...." -Shabbat 54b

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